Projecto 2

Decorating a new space makes me so happy. I’d go so far as to say it’s up there in my top 3, along with my family and travel, in terms of what makes me the most happy in life. And not just the final result but I absolutely love the process. The hours upon hours spent perusing Pinterest for inspiration, scouring the internet for the pieces I want to fill the space with, unpacking the boxes when they finally arrive, and then of course seeing it all come together just as I had envisioned in my head. So taking our old condo and turning it into a fully decorated space we can use (and rent out on a short-term basis) has been amazing. And today I’m sharing the second room that is (more-or-less) finished! The living room. (If you want to check out the first room I shared – our master bedroom – click here.) Lots more photos below and everything is sourced at the bottom of the post!